Copyright © 2015 Annie Joseph. All rights reserved.

-Wisdom of BKS Iyengar-

"Confidence, clarity and compassion are essential qualities of a teacher"​ 

Annie  Joseph

Pilates and Yoga Teacher

Hello and welcome!

I am a classical Pilates and Yoga teacher for private students, duets, and small group classes. My studio is located in a country setting in Corte Madera, just minutes from San Francisco. The sessions are individually designed to meet my students' goals, desires, and needs.

I fell in love with Pilates after using the method to recover from a serious spinal injury in 1996. Upon realizing the benefits, I decided to pursue Pilates and became certified to teach the method in 1999 through A Body of Work in San Francisco. I received a second certification from Stott Pilates in Toronto, Canada, in 2001. I completed  a Master's certification in Pilates from The Pilates Center in Boulder, CO in 2013.

Yoga was my first passion and I have been studying Iyengar Yoga for thirty plus years. In 1992 I became certified to teach yoga through the American Viniyoga Institute, and have been teaching ever since.

Both Pilates and Yoga are integrated practices which can enhance your health and feelings of well-being.

For larger groups, I teach workshops, retreats and ongoing Pilates and Yoga classes at the Bay Club Marin.

I relate to my students with love, compassion and humor.